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Field Trip

The Netherlands:

Field Trip # 8 to the Austrian artist Barbara Philipp, 

Location: Spaarndammerstraat 32 / Date: 12.1.2015 / Time: 10am-13.00pm 

In Search of Echo

" With an echo the volume of the voice becomes stronger and resonates in space. During my art residency in Wald/ Switzerland I was mothered by the landscape in which I was pushed in. The daily walks and hiking paths offered me physical time for reflection. I was mothered by nature and people´s interest and reactions about my work. They echoed my path of research. My children let me go and grow. I was a mothered mother artist. It felt incredible good. Suppose that this would not be an exceptional situation, in which direction could our m/other voices develop? How can our m/other voices echo in society? How to proceed? "


You can also join our Facebook page for further discussion and information: The /m/other voices project






Later Event: February 11
Field Trip

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