Beautiful Family (2011), Irene Pérez
The Mothernists
5/6/7 JUNE
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A three-day-long transatlantic conference, bringing together the work and thought of practicing international artists, art historians, educators, curators and writers on the topic of caring labour and cultural re-production. The Mothernists attempts to open up philosophical, political, aesthetic and social questions made visible through the co-existing practices of mothering and cultural re-production, bringing these into the diverse discourses that the participants professionally as artists, writers, philosophers, curators, historians and educators are part of.
SPEAKERS: Lise Haller Baggesen Ross (DK) /Dr. Rachel Epp Buller (USA) / Christa Donner, (USA) / Andrea Francke (UK) / Renske Janssen (NL) / Courtney Kessel (USA) / Dr. Natalie S, Loveless (USA) / Irene Pérez (ES) / Shira Richter (IL) / Miriam Schaer (USA) / Esmé Valk (NL) / Mirjam Westen (NL)
EXHIBITING ARTISTS: Guy Ben-Ner, (IL) / Irene Pérez (ES) / Ane Hjort Guttu, (NO) / Lise Haller Baggesen Ross (DK) / Courtney Kessel (USA) / Elżbieta Jablońska (PL), Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki (GR) / Barbara Philipp (AT) / Adam Rzepecki (PL)
LOCATIONS: LeesZaal Rotterdam West, PrintRoom, Upominki
Attendance is free
Conference Program
Friday 5th of June
Location: PrintRoom
20:00 • Book presentations by:
Mothernism, Lise Haller Baggesen Ross
Invisible Spaces of Parenthood, Andrea Francke
Cultural ReProducers Zines, Christa Donner
Saturday 6th of June
Locations: Leeszaal / Cafe Mijn Schoonmoeder / Upominki
11:00 - 17:00 • Panel presentations and discussions at Leeszaal
14:30 - 17:00 • Parallel activity: Matroesjkas by Barbara Philipp (AT)
11:00 - 11:10 • Welcome Deirdre M. Donoghue
11:10 - 11:50 • Panel I
“Whose Yo Mama?”, Lise Haller Baggesen Ross
Re-imagining Cultural ReProduction, Christa Donner
11:50 - 13:05 • Panel II
Maternal Ecologies, Natalie S. Loveless
Moments, Holes, and Stuff: Sourcing a Practice Through the Space of the Domestic, Courtney Kessel
In this Together, Collaborating with our Children, Irene Pérez
To Move or Being Moved, Esmé Valk
13:30 - 14:30 • Lunch
14:30 - 15:25 • Panel III
Representations of m/otherhood and Care: from Chains to Passion?, Mirjam Westen
Staging the Spectacle, Dr. Rachel Epp Buller
The Feminist Gap: What they Forgot to Fight for and Should from Today, Renske Janssen
15:25 - 16:25 • Panel IV
Biasing the Non-Maternal and Reverse Mothering, Miriam Schaer
Our Enemies Realize Our Power Long Before We Do, Shira Richter
17:00 • End of presentations
1800 - 19:00 • Dinner at Mijn Schoonmoeder Cafe*
Reservations required via
20:00 • Exhibition opening at Upominki
Sunday 7th of June
Location: Leeszaal
11:00 - 12:30 • The Island Which Is Folded Like Dry Bread
Performance research and storytelling reading by Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki (GR) . Reservations required via, subject line ‘Reading’
12:00 - 14:00 • Round-table discussion for conference participants
Reservations required via