Friday the 13th, October, 2017
10:00am - 19:00pm
School of Visual Arts,
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Kongens Nytorv 1,
1050, Copenhagen K,
Who Cares for the 21st Century?
An international symposium on care work and intergenerational feminist knowledge-sharing held in conjunction with the exhibition 'Mothernizing ANA: Who Cares for the Future?' The symposium is co-organized by Lise Haller Baggesen and Deirdre M. Donoghue and is co-hosted by Astrid Noacks Ateliers and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
Participating scholars, artists, mothers, activists in 'The Mothernists II':
Irina Aristakhova (USA), Lisa Baraitser (UK), Yvette Brackman (DK), Rosemarie Buikema (NL), Myrel Chernik (USA), Chloé Clevenger (USA), Ada Corsi (DK), Christa Donner (USA), Deirdre M. Donoghue (NL), Pirkko Donoghue (FIN), Kirsten Dufour (DK), Rachel Epp Buller, (USA), Arahmaiani Feisal (IDN), Dyana Gravina (UK), Lise Haller Baggesen (USA), Jubsi Baggesen (DK), Courtney Kessel (USA), Tina Kinsella (IRE), Natalie Loveless (CAN), Irene Lusztig (USA), Nanna Lysholt Hansen (DK), Elena Marchevska (UK), Irene Pérez (ESP), Micah Perks (USA), Barbara Philipp (NL), Shira Richter (ISR), Lena Simic (UK), Emily Underwood-Lee (USA), Faith Wilding (USA), Sheena Wilson (CAN), Weronika Zielinska-Klein (NL), Danielle C. Wyckoff (USA), DRANG (DK).
With contributions from:
Bracha L. Ettinger (ISR) and Silvia Federici (USA).
*Full program will be made public shortly.