Sunday, May 21, 2017
12:00 - 14:00
Goleb Project Space
Burgermeester de Vlugtlaan 125
1063 BJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
This event is child friendly and free of charge.
Dyana Gravina, Procreate Project
Photo by Doris Himmelbauer
Sisterhood Kimono by Diane Goldie
m/other voices foundation invites you for the talk 'Mothers in Art - Dynamic Shifts' together with Dyana Gravina, founder of Procreate Project and the Mother House in London and Csilla Klenyánszki, who initiated at the Mothers in Arts Residency ( MA residency) program in Amsterdam. Both Dyana and Csilla will give further information about their projects, their experiences and future plans. After the discussion moderated by m/other voices, there will be a screening of The Mother House documentary.
Dyana Gravina is conceptual artist, producer and founder of the Procreate Project, a platform born in response to the urge of creating a new model of art organization that would come in support of women artists during pregnancy and motherhood, highlighting the positivity and creating a new awareness around motherhood and dynamic shifts in society and creative industries. One of its most recent initiative is called the 'Mother House', the first flexible artist studio with integrated childcare, where children are invited into the workspace.
Csilla Klenyanszki is a visual artist who lives and works in Amsterdam. She founded the Mothers in Arts Residency. The idea of this project comes from my her experiences, which are based on the first year of motherhood, the social and the daycare situation in the Netherlands & my particular situation as an emigrant artist, without a family network. She is currently running the 'MA residency' program, which invites emerging women artists to work in the studio when their child is between 3 months to 2 years old. The residency is designed around the childcare policies of the Netherlands: 3 months is the given maternity leave and 2 years is the minimum age, when children are provided with 2 days a week subsidized daycare.